They Said Wonderful Things
We sat at the Rehearsal Dinner for my Son and his beautiful bride-to-be.
After the food and desserts and coffee,
It came time to raise our glasses.
We had already gone through the awkwardness
Of special accommodations
Of meetings with people who had been at odds with us over the years.
But when it came time to toast the groom
They said wonderful things.
I was silent, in listening mode.
I had my toast in my heart.
A toast of thanksgiving for all the mercy he had shown me
Over the years.
I hadn’t been the best father
Treading water just to keep myself
Afloat – above water.
But…that mewling, pink, naked person
That I was the first to hold
Was always someone I would have taken a bullet for.
Despite my ineffectiveness
He’d grown into a fine man
With talent and a spirit of fire.
There were many remembrances that I heard
In other tongues than my own
But bearing resemblances to my own experiences.
My heart soared like an Eagle
I took some credit for the “him” he had become.
They said wonderful things.
© Richard A. Martin, Jr., MD, CPC, 2017
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